Associated Computational Tools
- Multiomic single-cell integration in Python
pyInfinityFlow - Full spectrum flow analysis in Python
ICGS2 - Single-cell analysis in Python

cellHarmony - Alignment and comparison of scRNA-Seq

Code Repositories:
Human Bone Marrow Titration Atlas (GitHub)

Datasets and References (Downloads)
Human Bone Marrow Atlas v.2.0 (Synapse GEO Flow)
Human Bone Marrow Atlas v.1.0 (Synapse)

12/28/2023 - Human Marrow Azmiuth/ShinyCell online
10/06/2022 - Murine Erythroblastic islands atlas online

02/10/2021 - Murine Stromal atlas online
04/22/2020 - Murine Bone Marrow progeniotor atlas online
12/11/2018 - Human MEP atlas online
09/21/2018 - Human Bone Marrow HCA atlas online


Bone Marrow Cell Atlas Portal
Single-cell Genomic Data Explorer  

This website provides access to dynamic interactive web-browsers and RShiny apps for the analysis and exploration of diverse single-cell and multiomic datasets of the bone marrow. The associated studies comprise collaborative work from the Grimes and Salomonis laboratories at Cincinnati Children's. Dozens of file downloads provided in Synapse. Please see the video tutorial walking through the features of this portal.